lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2013


  • a)    What is the Greenhouse effect?

  It is a natural process that consists in allowing the pass of the sun rays to the atmosphere, maintaining the hot of them.
  The using of sprays, cars and factories have produced an increment of methane and CO2, that destroy the ozone cap. If the ozone cap is destroyed, the UV Rays will enter to the earth atmosphere. They are carcinogenic, so they are dangerous. Other effect that produces the destroy of the ozone cap, is the accumulated hot which is in the earth cannot go out, so the climate changes, the temperatures increase and the polar caps will melt.

  • b)    Why do people add more carbon oxide to the atmosphere?
  The people need electricity for do all activities we must do for have a comfort life. The factories burn carbon for get electricity, and as a consequence, millions of liters of carbon oxide are emitted to the atmosphere, increasing the Greenhouse Effect.

  • c)    What are the signs of Climate Change?
  The temperatures are higher, the polar caps are melting because of the hot, and the leves of the sea will increase. Sometimes there are acid rain, produced by the gases emitted to the atmosphere. There will be a change of the precipitations, affecting the agriculture and livestock. 

  • d)    What are going to be these effects in the future?
  They are going to be the same because if we do not change our life, we won't change the planet, and if we continue emitting gases to the earth, using sprays, using the car instead of bicycle or public transport and if we don't recycle, the planet is going to be even worse that it is.

  • e)    What can we do to reduce the effects of Climate Change?

  1. We can recycle all plastic, cardboard and glass. 
  2. We must plant more trees that we cut for doing paper.
  3. We must use used paper to do things instead use new paper when we must do simple things.
  4. We must use public transport instead of an own vehicle. If we use bicycle, it is better because we don't need to burn petrol.
  5. We must use renewable resources, because the petrol, one day, it is going to be finished. Using renewable resources, we don't need to burn anything and we do not need to emit gases which should be dangerous for our health, and for our planet health.

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