jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014


From my point of view, is better New York than London because of:
       - If we go to New York, we will be there almost fifteen days, but, if we go to London, we won’t stay there more than a week. 

      - In New York, there are much more activities to do, such as going to Central Park, to the highest skyscraper, to an amusement park, to a lot of museums (there are free, not like in London) , to Wall Street, to the liberty statue, Times Square…

-       - If we go to New York, there is a possibility of doing an exchange with Murrow’s students.

-           -  The weather is better in NY than in London.

-          -   I think all of the people should visit NY once at least, and this is a nice opportunity for visiting it.

martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014


I was searching for them the other day and I have found a lot of them, but I'm gonna put here only those ones that impressed me most!

- If you are in Turkey, you won't do the OK sign with the hand because it means "anus", so if you do it, you are calling gay the other person.
- In Arabia, if you are scratching your moustache, it means you want to have sex with the other person.
- If you are in Germany and you have just eaten in a restaurant, you should give a 10 % tip, if not, it's considered as impolite. Sometimes, they take it without asking to the client.
- Be careful if you go to Asian countries, because moving the head from one side to another means yes, not like in Europe.

They're crazy, they do everything the other way round!!


Hi mates! I'm veeery happy because I'm at the same class that the last year, with different teacher, but with the same classmates! I'm a little bit sad because this is our last year here, and the next course we will go to different high schools and our class is going to separate.
I hope we are going to achieve a lot of things together in our last year!! Good luck this course mates! BFN ;)

viernes, 20 de junio de 2014


At first, we will run for five minutes more or less. Then, we will run side step.
looking to the left and to the right. Then, we will run backwards for 1 minute. We will run
making circles with our arms, forwards and backwards. After that, we
will do skipping. Then, for the general warm up, we will play "tag". In this game,
two people are it, and they must each catch another person. If another is caught, he is  it, and he/she must catch another person and so on...


For the specific warm up, we are going to stretch the arms and the legs.
Afterwards, we are gonna work in pairs. Each pair must take one ball. The pairs
must run while they pass the ball each other, at first with one
hand, and after with the other. Furthermore, there is going to be one person from
each pair on the wall, and the other must throw the ball, and the other must try to
catch it.


There are going to be two matches, in one of them, girls are going to play
, and then, boys are going to play. When the girls are going to be
playing, the boys, in pairs, are going to pass, and vice versa.


We are going to run, and progressively, we are going to decrease the speed
over five minutes, and then, we are going to walk for two minutes more. Then, we are going to do articular movements and we will stretch during for two or
three minutes.

martes, 10 de junio de 2014


Barley: Cebada
Wheat: Trigo
Rearing: Criando
Poultry: Ganadería Avícola
Scheme: Esquema
Welfare: Bienestar
Canning: Enlatado
Shipyard: Astllero
Depletion: Agostamiento
Deep-Sea: Mar Profundo
Arise: Surgir
Towards: Hacia
Seeking: Buscando
Hake: Merluza
Herring: Arenque
Cod: Bacalao
Cod Trawler: Arrastrero de Bacalao
Continental Shelf: Plataforma Continental
Depleted Stocks: Poblaciones Diezmadas
Mackerel: Caballa
Withing: Pescadilla
Crayfish: Langosta
Clams: Almejas
Weakness: Debilidad
Ease: Alivio


Freight: Carga                                  
Capital flows: Flujo del Capital, del dinero    
Exports: Exportaciones                          
Imports: Importaciones                          
Balance of trade: Balanza Comercial             
Balance of payments: Balanza de Pagos           
Retail: Por Menor                               
Wholesale: Por Mayor                            
Trade bloc: Bloque Comercial                    
Transport network: Red de Transportes           
Market: Mercado                                 
Infrastructure: Infraestructura                 
Trade: Comercio                                 
Bartering: Trueque                              
Tourism: Turismo                                
Information society: Sociedad de la Información 
Public services: Servicion Públicos             

Private services: Servicios Privados            


Regardless: Sin contar con
Widespread: General, Extendido
Lower-End Tertiary Sector: Sector Terciario Banal
Remain: Permanecer
Storage: Almacenamiento
Thus: Así
Bartering: Trueque
Income: Ingresos
Expenditure: Gastos
Loads: Cargas
Household Appliances: Electrodomésticos
Bank Loans: Préstamos Bancarios
Knowledge: Conocimientos
Customs: Costumbres
Daily Basis: Diariamente
Encourage: Alenta, estimula
Perishable: Perecedero
Pose a Threat: Presenta una Amenaza
Leak: Fuga


Cereals: Cereales                           
Mortgage: Hipoteca                          
Speculation: Especulación                   
Crop: Plantación, coshecha                  
Agricultural landscape: Paisaje Agrícola    
Cultural heritage: Herencia Cultural        
Domestic tourism: Turismo interno           
Large-scale tourism: Turismo a Gran Escala  
Tour operators: Touroperadores              
High-speed rail: Tren de Alta Velocidad     
Peak season: Temporada Alta                 
Off-peak season: Temporada Baja             

Recession: Recesión                         

jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014



jueves, 1 de mayo de 2014


It was invented by Antonio Meucci in, but it was patented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.
It has revolutionized the life of millions of people. In the last years, it has improved a lot. All the people have got at least one. People usually use it for calling people, sending messages, for chatting via Whats-App, for playing games, knowing what is happening to people (friends or famous people) ,listening to music, knowing new people, etc...
Nowadays, there are a lot of different brads, like Samsung or Apple, and from my point of view, it's one of the most important inventions in the history.

Have you already guess what invention I was speaking of?



Wool: Lana
Animal Hide: Piel de animal
Mill: Fábrica
Rubber: Caucho
Tyres: Neumáticos
Slate: Pizarra (MINERAL)
Shaft: Pozo
Ore: Mineral
Widely: Extensamente
Bodywork: Carrocería
Reservoir: Depósito
Rotting Vegatation: Vegetación Descompuesta
Fuelled: Estimuló - Alimentó
Fuel: Combustible
Whether: Mientras
Remaining: Lo que queda
Either: Tampoco
Issues: Problemas
Plentiful: Abundante
Limitless: Sin límites
Wide: Amplio
Reliable: Seguro
Harness: Aprovechar
Tides: Mareas
Releases: Suelta
Firewood: Leña
Sawdust: Serrín
Husks: Cáscaras
Manure: Estiércol
Craftsmanship: Artesanía
Craftspeople: Artesanos
Engines: Motores
Rely: Confiar / Depender
Guild: Gremio
Workforce: Personal
Wage: Salario
Cutting edge industries: Industrias puntas
Rather: Más bien / Más alla
Limited Liability Company: Sociedad Limitada
Public Limited Company: Sociedad Anónima
Fixed Expenses: Gastos fijos
Assembly Line: Cadena de montaje
Retail: Venta al por menor
Wholesale: Venta al por mayor
Purchase: Compra
Outsource: Desestructuración


Mechanization: Mecanización                           
Mining: Minería                                       
Mineral: Mineral                                      
Fossil fuels: Combustibles fósiles                    
Industry: Industria                                   
Irrigated farming: Agricultura de regadío             
Energy: Energía                                       
Biomass: Biomasa                                      
Management: Administración                            
Workforce: Personal                                   
Wind turbine: Turbina de viento                       
Solar panel: Panel solar                              
Renewable energy: Energía renovable                   
Non-renewable energy: Energ ía no renovable           
Traditional energy: Energía convencional / tradicional
Alternative energy: Energía alternativa               
Dam: Dique                                            
Guild: Gremio                                         
Heavy industry: Industry                              
Light industry: Industria ligera                      
Cutting-edge industries: Industrias punteras          
Craftsperson: Artesano                                

lunes, 21 de abril de 2014

Hi everybody!
Here is my Power Point presentation about the movie we've seen at Social Science class. I'd got a problem! The power point was different, when I upload it to slideshare, it was a completely disaster, so sorry because of that!
By mates!


domingo, 23 de marzo de 2014

My glogster with our fair trade hop in Villamayor! http://carlosvilla99.edu.glogster.com/fair-trade/

TO ASK FOR THE MOON: Means to make unreasonable demands for things or to wish something impossible to achieve or to obtain
WHEN YOU HOLD THE FORT: Means that you take care of a place when the person in normally in  charge is away.
UNDER THE TABLE: Is a phrase used to describe secretive behaviour often suggesting corruption or illegality.
TO HORSE AROUND: Means to behave in a silly or crazy way making noise and causing disruption.
CHICKENED OUT: When you say it to someone, it means he/she has failed to do something or they haven't tried to do it because they were afraid.
A WISE OLD OWL: Someone very experienced in life.
A NIGHT OWL: Someone who stays up late into the night.
When you say someone IS IN SAFE HANDS: It means he/she is beeing cared for someone who is confident and skilled.
A SAFE PARE OF HANDS: It's a similar expression that refers to someone who can be trusted to do a good job avoiding mistakes.
TO HOLD YOUR TONGUE: It means they want to stop you talking because they don't like what you are saying.
If your situation is BLACK AND WHITE: It means you have a clear opinion about something. You can easily what you think is right or wrong.
MONEY DON'T GROW ON TREES: This phrase means you mustn't spend too much money as there is a limited amount of it.
MONEY IS NOT OBJECT: Means that you have a lot of money available to spend.
LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY: Means to allow things that happen no matter what the consequences are.
When you say something is AS CHEAP AS CHIPS: It means something is very cheap.
If you are CHASING YOUR TAIL: You are very busy doing a lot of different things but not achieving very much.
Here is my comic! I hope you will like it!

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014


Dear family Parkinson, we are very happy to welcome you in our house. We are looking forward to seeing you! We hope these days are going very fast.       
We have prepared a timetable with a lot of activities to do.

The first day, we are gonna pick you up to the airport. Then, we go to our welcome party at home. The party will end so late, so the first day we will be sleeping during all the morning to rest, for going to do puenting in the evening.
            The second day, we are going to go to a karting circuit. We will eat there a kebab, and in the evening, we would go to the cinema, for watching “The wolf of Wall Street”
            The third day, if all of you want, we can go to the Tormes river, to do kayaking.
            The fourth and fifth day, we are gonna go fishing to the Almendra Lake.
            The sixth day, we are going to the country for spending  there all the day.
            The seventh day, we can go to Salamanca for going around it, for visiting all the monuments.
            That’s all family! See you soon.